Rujia (李佳轩, RRL) is a Postdoctoral Fellow, Shuimu Tsinghua Scholar at Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University, collaborating with Dr. Sisi Duan. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Birmingham (Joint Program with SUSTech), advised by Dr.David Galindo, Dr.Qi Wang and Prof. Mark Ryan. He was a member of the Birmingham Centre for Cyber Security and Privacy. Research Topics:
    Hybrid Consensus Algorithm
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Latest News: [2024-03] "Max Attestation Matters: Making Honest Parties Lose Their Incentives in Ethereum PoS" has been accepted by USENIX Security 24.[2023-01] "Time-manipulation Attack: Breaking Fairness against Proof of Authority Aura" has been accepted by WWW 23. [2022-08] Moved to Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University. [2022-06] PhD viva passed, "Design and Evaluation of Blockchain-based Security Protocols", Group Photo. [2022-02] "Exploring Unfairness on Proof of Authority: Order Manipulation Attacks and Remedies" has been accepted by ASIACCS 22. [2022-02] "SoK: TEE-assisted Confidential Smart Contract" has been accepted by PETS 22. [2021-02] "Poster: A Weak Consensus Algorithm and Its Application to High-Performance Blockchain" has been accepted by NDSS 21. [2020-12] "A Weak Consensus Algorithm and Its Application to High-Performance Blockchain" has been accepted by INFOCOM 21. [2020-08] "An Accountable Decryption System Based on Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts" has been accepted by ISC 20. [2020-04] "Poster: Transparent Certificate Revocation for CBE Based on Blockchain" has been accepted by IEEE SP 20. |